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Welcome to The Esscential Life
I'm so happy you're here!

I help empower women to grow in Christ-centered confidence
and live life on purpose, with a purpose.

You're in the right place
if you want to...
  • WIN back your freedom and stability to live well and whole
  • RECLAIM your health to experience carefree moments with loved ones 
  • OWN who God says you are and unveil your purpose in life
  • EMBRACE your unique gifts and what makes you essential in this world
  • SHED the need for approval from others and tune in to God's voice


A little about me
I'm Shelisa, your dedicated guide on how to reclaim freedom and stability from the relentless grip of migraines.

A few things I love are singing, connecting with the outdoors, grabbing an iced coffee from a local spot and shopping at second-hand stores.

My Story
My journey into this realm was born out of a combination of personal necessity and a deep-seated desire to find lasting solutions for my own migraine problem. I understand what it's like to have to dig deep and muster up the strength to keep going even in the midst of an episode. And to feel misunderstood due to the interruptions in my daily life. I felt the shame and diminished sense of self-worth from the lack of control. I desperately wanted to find relief from the guilt and frustration of letting down my loved ones and to quit worrying that others would see me as unreliable and weak.

As someone who has both personally navigated the turbulent waters of migraines and spent time cracking the code on my own health, I can bring a renewed sense of purpose and optimism for the future you.

I believe that the path to wellness is as unique as the individual walking it. This belief has driven me to develop a personalized, compassionate approach to health guidance. My mission is simple, yet profoundly life-changing: to help women disrupt the cycle of frequent migraines and not just manage their pain but to actually thrive beyond it into a place of well-being and peace.

Through my programs, consultations, and extensive resources, I aim to light the way to a life unburdened by migraine pain. By fostering a deeper understanding of your body, I'm here to help you not only win back your freedom but also embrace a new outlook on your life with wellness, purpose and abundance as the goal.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey. Together, let's embark on this path to recovery, transformation, and lasting health.

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